Cheat : At the Main Demo Screen (where you can select Single Player, Demo, etc.) Hit the Tilde Key to bring up the console. Type in one of the following:
To see a list of variables that can be changed, type in the following:
To change the damage done by enemies, do the following:
gam_afDamageStrength[level]=(Damage value)
level: 0 = Easy 1 = Normal 2 = Hard 3 = Serious
Damage Value 0.0 = no damage 1.0 = normal damage 2.0 = 2 times damage
Example: gam_afDamageStrength[0]=0
Makes it so that in the Easy level, no damage is done to you.
To increase the amount of ammo, type in the following:
gam_afAmmoQuantity[Level]=[Ammo Quantity]
level: 0 = Easy 1 = Normal 2 = Hard 3 = Serious
Ammo Value 0.0 = no ammo 1.0 = normal ammo 2.0 = 2 times ammo
Example: gam_afAmmoQuantity[0]=2.0 Puts lotsa ammo out there...
To change the enemy movement speed, type in the following:
gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed[level] = Speed
level: 0 = Easy 1 = Normal 2 = Hard 3 = Serious
Enemy Speed Value 0.0 = They don't move (really funny) 1.0 = Normal Speed 2.0 = Way Fast
Example: gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed[0]=3.0
Makes the enemy run to you really fast on the easy level.
gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed[level] = Speed
level: 0 = Easy 1 = Normal 2 = Hard 3 = Serious
Damage Value 0.0 = They don't move (really funny) 1.0 = Normal Speed 2.0 = Way Fast
Example: gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed[0]=2.0
Makes it so that on the easy level, enemies attack you really fast.